Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, May 28, 2012

Alright so where to start! This week for p-day we went to this huge park called Parque Villa Lobos! It is super sweet and I think it is about equal to what Central Park in NY and this park and one other in São Paulo. They have all sorts of stuff and it is really fun to just go and relax. My companion and Leonardo, one of our less-actives played soccer, and I sat and talked with our recent convert because lets just say I dont really play soccer to the level of the Brasilians and so I was not in the mood to embarrass myself. I am getting better though!

Alma 22:14 is my scripture for the week because it is so descriptive! It just hit me really hard and it is kinda interesting to see a different language can add just that much more shabam!

Thought for the week: It is not my way that the work should be done, but the way the one who designed it said it should be done. For me I love to get things done right and get them done fast-unless its weeding, then I procrastinate like a pro! Anyways I have found that mission work is just a work that should be done with patience and at a moderate pace in order to make sure that all the details are taken care of.

Story for the week! :D

So my companion Elder Luna is a spaz! He loves to joke and play and have a good time but he also works diligently. Well we have two investigators Marcelo (16) and Marcos (15) who honestly are just problematic. Well we have one sister in our ward who is just awesome named Wilma and she introduced us to them. Well These two decided that it would be really nice to throw a surprise party for their mom who has slowly but surely been growing to like us. When I first arrived she wanted nothing to do with us and would not even hardly say hi to us! Anyway we were late to the party which was the 1st B-day party they had ever had in their household! Can you believe that? Anyways, we showed up and my companion decides to vigorously shake her hand. Why? I dont know, but he ended up spilling her soda all over her lap. In my mind I was just talking to myself because I was just waiting for her to burst out into her usual ranting and raving about us and life but she just laughed it off and smiled and I was completely floored! the woman I knew had been abduted by Aliens!!! It was a really good night and the cake was absolutely amazing!!!

Today for p-day we just played soccer and board games and had a good time! We have some interviews this week and so we will see how they go through and if two boys will accept!

I love you all and trust me I miss you all sufficient! So I pray for you everynight to have more of the spirit along with greater influence!

Elder Hendrixson

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