Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, July 16, 2012

I am a DAD!

That is mission talk for I was called to be a trainer about two weeks ago. Sorry everyone for not writing on the 9th but all the lanhouses were closed due to the fact that we had a holiday.

Alright so quick funny story. Well we got there for transfers, there reffering to the Mission Home, and well I was looking around for my new greeeny and well all of a sudden someone was like wait! You have a training meeting, yet no one told me so I was quite fashionably late and man did I see a lot of really familiar faces there.

Yes I know you are all just thinking that hey, he just got there, and that there is no way I know what I am doing but I hate to tell all of you that the Lord begs to differ! :P Anyways my greeny is named, Elder Saulo Ferreira and he is actually from the State of São Paulo! He has only been a member for a year and a half!!!! Can you believe that? I mean this guy has some conviction and is has been great! He only has one little thing that bugs me a lot and that is the fact that I will say we are leaving at 12:00 and we always end up leaving a half hour late. I dont know what he does for this half hour besides that fact that he walks back and forth between the room and the bathroom and the kitchen so I just wait, kneeling, and trying not to give to many obvious hints!

Other than that he is an only child and he is really great! He works hard, studies hard, and wants to be the best missionary that he can possibly be and so I have been walking him to death, stuffing him full of more food than he wants to eat and making him talk to strange people, visit strange places and his head is still spinning as we sit here because I can see it out of my periferals! :D Oh how I dont miss being super brand new.

I am still in the area of LAPA and loving it and it looks like we will be having a bit of a drought on baptisms for a little while but I hope not too long because the Lord has many children here that are just waiting and I know it. It is just a matter of finding them! Personally I have knocked on more doors and talked to more people in the last few days than I have in quite a while. It find it really interesting that I finally have a fire and a desire to work now that I am the head of the program. When I was a junior it was just a lot tougher and all I have to say is that being a Senior campanion makes you get out of you shell and really explore what you have to do and how you can best do it and I sure do love it!!!

We still have an amazingly large amount of work to do but I ready for it. I am not tired, I am not hungry, and I am definetly not done in this area or will I be any time soon, which is great because I know that Elder Ferreira and I are going to make a huge difference here and that we are what is needed here, right now and for as long as we need be.

Oh and one of my goals is to finish the New Testament in Portuguese by the 20 of August!!! :)It is about 10 pages a day!


P.S. Elder Ferreira constantly tells me that he is more beautiful than me. Personally I dont agree but I let him think what he wants, it is more fun that way especially when he tells the members! He will learn!!! :)

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