Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, June 11, 2012

Alright so this week was pretty good. We could call it the week of Hell freezes over and all the people we want to talk to are bundled up inside the house! Man it was cold this week and no one was out or wanted to talk and then you could add the fact that it rained practically all day every day! Talk about a fun week to have soggy toes! Can I just say that the first person to actually create a water proof missionary shoe will be a revolutionist because mine say water proof and I think they should change it more to like water resistant! Oh and I bought a new umbrella this week because lets just say,yes I have lost a lot of weight, but it is not nearly enough to fit under a compact umbrella, so I bought a great big gigantic one!!!!! :D WE ARE STILL DOING STUFF LIKE AN AMERICAN!!!! Thats right! You can take the boy out of the WEST but you cant take the WEST out of the boy! 

Other than that this week ws a hungry week because our Rel. Soc. Pres. Totally blew us off for the last two weeks and so nothing was scheduled, our phone was out of credits and so we scavenged for ourselves . . . needless to say I think I will be addicted to beans and rice for the rest of my life! Without them man its like your blood gets all thin and you just dontwant to do anything at all!!!!

So the pictures are just some cool ones that I took and Meg I am getting better with a camera!!! I love technology at times, and others no because I cant tell you how amany freaking broken computers we help people with here!

Anywyas the highlight of the week was getting to watch all of the sessions of the Dedication of the Manaus Temple!! Man they were good and it was a good Sunday. My favorite message of all of them was this! Pres.Uchtdor: Walk infront of the Lord with all your heart! Man that was a powerful message he gave and that was the first. The second was more subtle and abbout pioneers and how when we keep working and doing we recieve the blessings in the end. Ant the third was given by Elder Cook and he talked about how having your own light is very important because if we just live on borrowed light then we cannot ever have the glory of the sun but can only be as the moon.

Love all of you and the work will go on!
Elder Hendrixson

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