Well this is us having a birthday party in our very straight
kitchen and
well lets just say we enjoyed our brownies!!! :)
{Emailed 1-28-2013}
Oh and so my companion were out walking along and having a
great sunday walking along and lo and behold in the worlds 4th largest city we
found a pig ruttin around in the cities flowerbed!!! :P
{Emailed 1-28-2013}
{Emailed 1-28-2013}
These two pictures were sent without any captioning ... hmmmm...we didn't ask either!
{Emailed 11-26-2012}
ME and Elder Faccio
going out to play football! :)
{Emailed 10-15-12}
My newly re-soled
shoes that will now last me another 100000KM! :)
I wont ever have to buy shoes
{Emailed 10-15-12}
It was hot and the
place where it was coldest was the tile floor in the chapel-there is
more air
down there!
{Emailed 10-15-12}
My new companion Elder Nunes and my first companion who is
now the Assistant to the President
{Email 10-15-12}
This is me holding a
humming bird who was in the street so we picked him up and set him down in the
tree again. Humming birds here are called "beija flor" or
"kisses flowers" and he was cute!
{Emailed 10-15-12}
Finally and at last we came
off conquerers of our freezer and broke it down into pieces! I know that a few
snow balls were made and thrown and that an Elder or two recieved a block of
ice in his trouzers but I dont think anyone got frostbite. :P { Received via email 9-3-12 }
I know that someone
is going to say, "Why did Elder Kyle Hendrixson, put this picture in
here?" I am simply going to respond that once and a while I ought to send
a picture of our good sides! ;) { Received via email 9-3-12 }
I think this is a
photo of three Elders trying to conquer the freeezer so that it can keep our
ice cream cold and so that it will fit in there because It looked like it had
been lined with yetty furr!
{ Received vai email 9-3-12 }
WEll arent these four great looking guys with the most
correct book on hand just waiting for a sweet son or daughter of god to havea
desire to read and get to talk with one of us which is what we are here to do
but can you believe that very few people actually want to talk to us? I
mean come on! At times I think we would have more success in a clown suits! { Received via email 9-3-12 }
I believe I can
fly!!! How far can you throw me?
{ Received via email 8-27-12 }
Well lets just say
that you put the both of us together and you get both the fruits and the nuts!
{ Received via email 8-27-12 }
We stopped to take a
break and plan only to have the camera catch us with a strange glow-could it be
{ Received via email 8-27-12 }
My companion and I
were exploring one day and we took a break to realax and decided to take some
pictures and we had a little fun just messing around. { Received via email 8-20-12 }
My companion and I were exploring one day and we took a break to realax and decided to take some pictures and we had a little fun just messing around. { Received via email 8-20-12 }
My companion and I
were exploring one day and we took a break to realax and decided to take some
pictures and we had a little fun just messing around. { Received via email 8-20-12 }
Elder Hendrixson with his zone and his Mission President, Marcus H. Martins, along with Elder Claudio R. M. Costa, of the Presidency of the Seventy, and his wife.
Alright so the 1st picture is at the birthday party of one
of our investigators and this chick just really wanted to stand close to me and
our recent convert was laughing so hard she could barely even take the picture!
Needless to say it was a really interesting evening but I ate a lot of good
meat at the Barbecue place!!!! { Received 6-19-12}
So this guy is
actually American. He is a bouncer for big musical shows and events. He showed
up in a sick car that we asked the driver if he was sure and then the guy said
he was American cause I mean obviously I dont look Brasilian so he just talked
to me and he was really awesome and fun to talk to and I actually know some of
his relatives in St. George and so ya we just chatted and had a good time. He
is 6´6 and Weight 280 and the fact that he told me he had just cut 75lbs just
testifies to the fact that the guy is MASSIVE I think his hands alone were as
big as my shoe! It was really funny to watch all the members want to meet him
and talk and stuff. His little brother played in the NFL for the Steelers and
his cousin played for the Eagles. There a BIG FAMILY, no pun intended. Lapa has
had some interesting people show up and it has been fun to see who comes and
how randomly.
{ Received 6-19-12 }
I found a sweet truck
walking through the neighborhood so of course I had to take a picture, mostly
because I am pretty sure I cant afford the freight to ship it home . . . :(
{ Received 6-19-12 }
"Alright so we were having lunch in the house the other day
and yes I got to playing with my food just like i was taught NOT to do when I
was a little kid! So I was thinking about how much we as missionaries eat and
how the little soldier men would say: Do you guys think we can handle this or
are we going to have to call the missionaries? :D "
{ Received 5-21-12 }
Pictures of our house
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
Elder Hendrixson and his companion, Elder Luna
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
{ Received 5-14-12 }
"Preaching everywhere we go! :) "
{ Received via email 5-5-12 }
"I found HIM :D - a
bit sacriligious but hey I still found HIM"
{ Received via email 5-5-12 }
"My companion helping
a poor drowning soul"
{ Received via email 5-5-12 }
"How many chairs can
missionaries support?"
{ Received via email 5-5-12 }
"Kickin´it with my
Easter Candy! :)"
{ Received via email 5-5-12 }
{ Received via email 5-5-12 }
"Panflute band on the streets of Brazil"
{ Received via email 4-9-12 }
"Talk about and electician's nightmare!"
{ Received via email 4-9-12 }
"Just for fun! :)"
{ Received via email 4-9-12 }
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
Elder Hendrixson & his companion, Elder Rodrigues
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
It doesn't look like Elder Hendrixson's companion has the technique down quite yet!
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
I've seen that look before from Elder Hendrixson :]
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
Is it just me or doesn't it look like Elder Hendrixson is having a tough time smiling??
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
Wonder if this is Elder Hendrixson's first time riding a bus that is not a school bus??
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
Signs of the wealth Elder Hendrixson was speaking of, amongst the poor.
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
" ... this is a sick moped i found on the sidewalk one day I mean this guy is stylin!"
{ Received via email 4-2-12 }
"This is my view from my room here at the CTM.
They have some really beautiful days here."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
They have some really beautiful days here."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
"This is my companion Elder Campbell. I am so grateful that he is my
companion because I don't have to babysit him."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
companion because I don't have to babysit him."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
"This is the biggest Brazilian I could find. He was a captain in the
Brazilian army & chose to serve a mission. He was a super awesome Elder."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
Brazilian army & chose to serve a mission. He was a super awesome Elder."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
"Evenings here are purple. Not like Red, or Yellow, or Pink."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
"This is our district obeying the arms length away rule in a mocking fashion. :] It is fun to make fun of some of the ridiculous rules that we follow anyway."
{ Received via mail on 3-19-12 }
Sao Paulo, Brazil Mission {Sent 3-19-12}
View from Elder Hendrixson's House {Sent 3-12-19}
Love this picture!! {Sent 3-19-12}
Classic of Elder Hendrixson {Sent 3-19-12}
Elder Hendrixson at the MTC in Brazil {Sent 3-19-12}