Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, November 5, 2012 - Transfers!

Hey Everyone!

This week is transfers and well let's just say that I am not happy at all . . . my companion and I have gotten to be super close and he has learned a ton this transfer. He made a huge effort in not being so timid, I mean being timid around me is a little hard! Plus he got to be really good at the basics because I learned from all my family that if you keep beating eventually you get to where you need to be and changing tactics is great too.

My companion figured out finally that I am just a box of surprises! He is always leaving lessons and we talk and he is always telling me, "You know, I just never know from which direction you are going to come." Then he goes on to say that he is gonna miss having me for a companion and well of course I never have let him know that I am truly gonna miss the guy, cause I wouldn't be Elder Hendrixson. ;) Shhhhhhh, but I really am going to miss the guy a lot. We had a heck of a lot of fun together and we worked hard but he still has a lot of lessons to learn from his next trainers. Now we will just have to see who exactly my next companion will be.  The interesting part is that I have never had a steady companion. I seem to always be recieving new ones! I mean this will be my 6th companion in 11 months! 

This week was a really tough week for us becuase we just seemed to absolutely suffer until Sunday. I mean I talked to a lot of people but no one for the life of them wanted to listen! I mean they were just down right rude and my patience was wearing super thin and I just wanted to be straight up with people and well unfortunately you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar! Man the truth hurts! So I consented to being cordial and practice my longsuffering! The really cool thing was that I remembered to do a fast for Fast Sunday and can I just say I finally have a testimony about fasting! I never really had one before but after I fasted so that I could remember and be ready to fulfill my purpose as a missionary and partook of the Sacrament everything just seem to stop being so prominant and bug. It all turned into little challenges and problems and smaller mountains to climb until we reach the tree of life!

Remember family and friends that the Gospel of Christ is the only way back to our Heavenly home and that we start our journey after partaking of a renewal of birth and passing into the Kingdom of God here on the Earth and that we may then start to produce our eternal harvests and make progress on our pathway eternally. Remember the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Kingdom of God here on the earth and that through the true church we encounter the only true Ordinances of the Gospel of Christ!

Love you all!

Elder Kyle John Hendrixson 

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