Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, November 12, 2012 - Who's Up For Round 3?

Yup that is right my family and Friends I am up for round 3 of training a noob! His name is Elder Hermilio Dos Santos Mota who is from Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil! Yup he is 22 years old and he is engaged to a girl he met when he had 16 years of age and it has only been her since then! We get along really well already because he has a life and likes to make jokes and to just be a fun person all around and to play soccer. He almost went professional but he blew out his knee! He was baptized with 9 years of age and he is the second person in his family to serve a mission. WE worked our tails off this week and it was in the rain. No it was not the kinda joke that we get in St. George we are talking who turned on the freaking shower! You end the day and no matter how water proof your shoes are it just doesn't cut it when gravity comes into play and it starts from the knee then to the ankle and all the way until it reaches the end of your toes! What Fun!!!! Anyways he made a lot of progress this week and we will make even more this week and we will be a contact making machine! I can see that good things are to come with these coming six weeks! The Lord has big plans I can just feel it! So keep up the prayers please! I could use all the help I can get!
As for some funny things that happened this week! We had a junk food night before transfers and well lets just say one Sister in the ward gave us this cake and I had to spit it out after I ate it because she had soaked it in what tasted like skittles liquid with a choclate covering. I hate to say it but it is still in the fridge to this day and well skittles and chocolate just don't go together! Then the very next day we got back to the bus terminal - I forgot to inform you all that I have turned into a bugs bunny and eat one big carrot everday about 9:15 in the morning and all the Elders just laugh at me - so when a bum came along the sidewalk seeing all the Elders and Sisters dressed and fancy of course he thinks of asking for food and well I had happened to pull out my carrots because of course I brought one for my new companion! He didn't want it and so I gave the bum a CARROT! He walked away shaking his head and seeming a little bit dissatisfied but eating the carrot all the same and yes all the Elders laughed at me but I asked which one of them had helped someone today? :P
Also it just so happened that socks in the mission last for 11 months but they become more like an iron grid without any fluff and its just more like a protective layer. how did I find this out? Well I had only been using 8 pairs and they started loosing color so I grabbled my other 10 pairs from the Mission Home and started wearing those! WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! They were so soft and comfortable, weird, but hey in the mission it is all about the small pleasures!
Other than that this week was full of miracles but specifically one that stood out. WE were knocking doors in the rain and well this guy came out and started talking to us like he was a member. Well it turns out he had been a member since he was 15 years old and fell away at 18 because of problems with the doctrine of the church and just didnt find his response. This guy wasn't even on the radar and we found him because of a long day of knocking and not finding!!! The Lord works miracles but first comes the trial of faith! (Ether 12:6).
Love you all and wish you the best week! Keep your heads up and keep smiling!
Love, Loyalness, and Faith is a good recipe for being like Christ but none of it is worth anything without the Priesthood being restored for us in these Latter Days!
Elder HendriXson!!

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