Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, November 26, 2012 - A Great Joke

Lets start this week out with a Joke!

So the husband comes home after a long day at work and sees the clock has fallen off of the wall so he just walks on by and goes to get something to eat. His wife walks in just as he had sat down to have a glass of milk and a cookie when his wife says, "you will never guess what happened today! I got home and your mom was coming to help me with the groceries and that studpid clock of yours that doesnt even  work correctly fell off the wall and almost hit her on the head! Can you believe that?" Only to have the husband respond, "That stupid clock is always late!" :D

For any of you that need this joke to be re-explained just ask someone else! You should always share, becuase it is the 1st and greatest commandment of the Kingdom of God and a good joke should never go unshared!

This week was a good week! Lots of sun and little rain and it feels like a Desert Summer! The only difficult part was that this week I had the Sisters of the Ward try to stuff me and not the Turkey! It worked! I mean we had lunch with a Sister who is totally awesome but just is sick of the incomodating people in the world but I will tell you what,  She Knows How to Fill a BOWL with ice cream and fruit! I mean it was like the size of my head and here it is mandated that you eat two of them  so I did and man she knew how to fill a bowl full of ice cream a second time even fuller than the 1st! For the first time in my life I was almost sure that I would drowned! you cant swim your way out if you drowned from the inside out!

Then on Sunday we have this married couple who are older and the Husband wants to adopt me because he likes me a lot and so we are trying to get him to be baptized but it is difficult! We had a barbecue with them on Sunday and well can I just say that 5 kilos of meat and 4 old people and 2 missionaries gives you a stomach ache! Their moto at the dinner table is that nothing is left over! Needless to say  it became a little difficult but we accomplished the challenge and I didnt even gain a single pound this week. Luckily this next week should be alittle more sparse. 

I think that this week I talked to more than 200 families and it is always amazing to see how people dont know how to answer a question. They only want to talk about what they want to talk about. The other thing I love is when people say, " that is not in my Bible,"  "I know Jesus Christ and only he can save me,"  "why do you want to complicate the simple things that Christ gave us to do," and my personal favorite, "I have already accepted Christ in my life, I have the Holy Ghost with me constantly and Christ will save me no matter the cost." This last phrase is usually uttered jsut before they light up a cigarrete or take a swig of the beer in their hand! Yet they dont want to listen, they dont want to hear and all you want  to do is help. Yet you cant! How many times has our heavenly father tried to help us and we chose not to accept?

This week I had a cool experience. We had left to make a visit with a Sister of the Ward and well as usually our marked appointment wasnt at home! But it just so happened that I had said, hi, to two teenagers on the street and they came running around the corner just after we had finished discovering that the lady we had planned to visit wasnt at home. Only to find out that one of the kids was a member of the church who had just recently moved here to our area and he and his brother wanted to keep going to church because they love the church! The oldest one is not baptized and I think he will be baptized quickly and the parents arent members so lets see if we can get them too!

Oh and another interesting event happened. For some reason drunk people love the missionaries and love to introduce us to their families. One night we were headed home and it was already 9 at night and this drunk guy come bounces accross the street slurring, I am a mormon too! All I though was OH BOY! Here we go again. Well he came up and hugged me and started to lead me into his house to have dinner! He was so drunk that his breathe was pure alcohol! Finally after not being able to pass him without having to shove him to the ground I accepted and talked him into just a glass of water and to meet his family! It turns out that his son is a member and wants to return to the church and his friend wants to know about the church so there you have it everybody! The Lord can work miracles for His children in any circumstance!

The weeks to come should be full of great stories so feel free to forward them or share them with whomever you may.

Love you all and  dont be a turkey! Seek for Christ and His Holy Spirit, especially as we prepare for this wonderful time of year and celebrate all that Christ has given!

Elder Hendrixson!

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