Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, November 19, 2012 - Raising the Bar and Stuffin the Bird

Well this week has been a great week because I recieved a wonderful piece of news that our President now wants us to have 30 conversations about the Gospel everyday! That is a freaking lot especially when the person just tells you to bugger off cause he is sitting there on his porch with nothing to do and he tells you that he is just about to leave. Then you go to the next house and you can see their freaking steel wool hair sitting there on the couch and they just ignore you like you are a barking dog and then the next and the next and the next. Pretty much but we had a lot of great conversations that resulted in those people who actually want to hear abut the gospel and then after all the bad experiences your heart soares and you are jsut super happy to talk to the person.

Last night I had a realization that only people who are truly happy would walk for 30 minutes straight and give a salutation to all of those people with a smile in your path after walking all day in the sun, rain and talking to a bunch of badly mannered people. The Lord I think finally prepared a way for a house for us to move intoand stop sleeping on the flooor and sharing a fridge that is 3´for1 1/2´ for 4 Elders. THe thing is stuffed! Then this week was tough because the grass is always greener on the other side! THe other two Elders stayed in the house all week because one of them has the Chicken Pox! Yup so they were bumming around in the house relaxing in my hammock and I was working. Not to mention they couldnt leave to buy groceries so my cold milk and water started dissapearing and let me tell you when you come home after sweating your butt off all day you want something cold and when you go to grab it and it is not there you get a little peaved! I mean I only ask that you ask or tell me that you used it so I dont have this expectation and then its not there! That is the worst! Other than that the week was great! I mean I would rather be working than trapped in the house! A few days would be nice but only to have a holiday but really working is oh so much better!

Well to all of youthat are in the STates! Have fun stuffing the bird and your faces! My thanksgiving with be bean and rice and this little filet of beef that is cooked until it is shoe leather because that is how the Brazilian like it! Yet the beans and rice are always yummy and eating is not for pleasure, right?

Miss you and have a great Thanksgiving and I will too!

Elder Hendrixson

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