Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Family&Friends,

This week was a good week! We worked like crazy and well lets just say missionary work is no joke and I would love to be able to ride a bike! I miss driving like crazy but luckily it will be back within my abilities to drive again in only a little over a year. Then you have the fact that the harder you work the more miracles the Lord puts in your pathway. :D

 We had a couple miracles this week like the fact that I got out of bed ontime and was able to study awake even though you wake up feeling like you have been beaten everyday because we have very few people we teach everyday so we spent the entire day standing and talking to people and it only ends after 9 at night. We found some people who really have promise and seem to have a least a piece of desire somewhere in their heart to hear what we have to say with real intention.

The best miracle was that we had a member that asked us to teach one of his friends. HE forgot to tell us that she is drop dead gorgeous and super smart. It was pretty awesome! The best thing is that she has to be one of God´s elect just by the fact that her light of Christ is well tended. My companion and I gave one of the fastest and information filled lessons of the RESTORATION than I have ever given and she was just taking it all in. Luckily she was super smart and well I gave her a great analogy of why both the Bible and The Book of Mormon are super important and how it applies with all the rest of the Gospel principles that help us follow the pathway that Christ has shown us! THe analogy was one I learned from scouting: If we dont have a reference point we will always end up walking in a circle that never ends, but if we have a point of reference then we know how to follow that path, the exact pathway that Christ showed us. THat is why the Book of Mormon is so important, entirely.

Yup I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting this week and I actually got nervous. It was the weirdest thing. I ended up finishing all of my material in five minutes which I didnt even think was possible by the fact that in portuguese I usually talk a little slower but man I blew right through it flawlessly and was able to more fully explain the importance of using the Holy Ghost more often so that we can testify to the entire world not only through our words but the words that will touch even the hardest heart through the gift that we have recieved (see 2Nephi33:1).

Remember to stay strong and that even the strongest among us needs to have support and that those who are weak should always have a helping hand ready and there for when they decide that they want to return but have temporarily lost their compass and sense of direction. These are they who need a guide more than anything else. May we be friends to everyone and especially those who are our neighbors because they are the closest to our homes. Oh and remember that if you never start, you can never finish!


Elder Hendrixson

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