First off to start the fact of the matter is that i dont
make a very good city kid. atleast not a big city like sao paulo without time
to relax. sao paulo is super stressfull and was taking a huge tole on me and my
health. i was always super tired and trying to sleep a little extra and get so
much done and the air there is terrible and polluted like none other. i may not
smoke but heck you might as well with as many people you walk by or behind that
are doing it and all you do is inhale the crap. it is terrible you litterally
have black mucus. that is not a very good sign in my opionion but hey what do i
know? Oh I know what i know, that Jesus Christ lives and that i am a
representative and i will be for another year and four months and i am going to
love every minute of it!
Lucky, i have been transferred to the interior of the state
of sao paulo. on our trip out there we took a bus and well i almost cried when
we hit the place with just trees and green and grass and cows. if i had been
close enough and stopped i think i would have givin it a big hug. I also saw a
horse with a guy riding it down the street this week and I actually walked on a
dirt road and some grass and man it was just lovely. the air here is not
poluted, there is dust when you walk and I love it! the tallest building i have
seen is 3 stories and man have i slept good.
Speaking about sleeping. Well since we are opening this area,
which is call Vila Angelica, we dont have a house so we are staying in the
house of another companionship of missionaries and well lets just say that I am
not a fan and we are sleeping on basically a therma rest every night and living
out of our suitcases and it is just crazy. we are trying to get out of there as
soon as possible. I think the earliest i got to bed this week was 11:30. Oh and
it is dry and hot and i have been getting lots of sun! I love sun and yes, to
all those who are worried about my little white boy self, I am using sun
My new companion is Elder Nóbrega and he is from brasilia,
BR. HE is super awesome and he only has four months left not to mention that he
is super helpful for the fact that he started his mission in this area and was
here for six months so he pretty much knows where we are going and all the
members and all the basics which is good because we dont have a map for now. He
and I are way to much a like and like way to many of the same things but it is
super nice because we always have something to talk about and know more or less
how we want to teach the people but the great part is that I can talk to him
and he talks back with opinions and experience! :) I didnt get a deaf mute this
This ward is imensely different than the other ward I was in
they actually are super happy and want to be going to church and love the
gospel and it shows in their lives that Christ is the focus. They have actually
called ward missionaries and they have been doing a lot of the work her in the
ward and have some families for us to teach already not to mention they are
super glad to have us here in the ward to the point where they were already
ready to give references and all that good stuff when we arrived here. We
already had a lunch calender and didnt have to go hungry which was
awesome. I am thinking that I will probably gain a little weight in this
area but we will see how it goes once we get into the groove of things. The
plan is that he will be my companion here until the next transfer, we will
estabilish the ward and get all the good stuff going and then he will leave and
I will train again probably but only the Lord knows what will happen. WE
RECIEVED 18 REFERENCES OF FAMILIES AND FRIENDS this week in four days. We have
atleast half the ward who wants us to come and do a family night in their house
and they have friends who are not members already invited.
The other hting i love about here is that the food is
finally a normal price. I can buy 2.26lbs of oranges for 30 cents. Can you
believe that? I know what i am going to be eating and it doesnt start with
cereal. It starts with fruit and oatmaeal and all the good stuff that gives you
energy and it wont cost me a fortune!
I want you all to know that I love you all individually and
that I miss you lots and that Christ lives!!!
Stay firm because remember we are the foundation upon which the rest of the world will rely!
Elder Hendrixson
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