Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, September 10, 2012 - Corn Flakes that never get soggy!!

Can you believe it? I actually found a brand of corn flakes that never get soggy! I was pretty sure that it was impossible but I bought some here and you could leave them in the milk for like 2 hours and they were still crunchy! Can you believe that, its almost unatural!

Well I got to thinking about this radical anomily-I am pretty sure I spelled that wrong but oh well-that shouldnt happen so I got to thinking about it before I went to bed one night and I had dreams of corn flakes. I had two.

The First was about how the pargaguayans had made them out of some sort of alien plastic that was edible but later on in the future it would give them the ability to control our appetite. Or that they had made them out of corn that was soft and luscious like california corn because we all know that the best food in the world comes from the San Juaquin Valley or your own personal garden. Did I mention that I like food and that I woke up super hungry at about 4am! That was terrible so I drank about a liter of milk and flopped back down on the floor.

The Second was related to the Gospel of Christ. Now I know that those of you who are reading this are going how in the world does a baked chip of corn that then recieved a sugar coating hav anything to do with the Gospel of Christ? Well then allow me to explain my semi conscious reasoning and corn flake addition! I eat about 3-5lbs a week :) Yum! So the gospel of Christ is like a corn flake that never looses its crunch because the atonement of Christ never looses its freshness and well we all know that repenting sucks and that in return we recieve a sugar coating in the blessings and peace and cleaness of conscience that we recieve and well the milk would represent being completely immersed and practically drownded in a world of terrible things that are around us.
Yet we who use the repentance proccess add a little bit of sweetness so that the worlds doesnt seem to be a bad of a place and that we are here to make a difference. If you think about it, just think if we had more members in the world just how much sweeter the milk would be and all of that good stuuff!

Well that was my sugar coated corn flake analysis, a little crazy but hey missionary = creative with whatever he has on hand!

Thought for the week: Why does the world seem so small within the church?

1) John 17


3) The God Head

These all have references to being one! All of them are completely different sources! Well why would this make the world a smaller place.

Lidership would be the key phrase in the fact that if you have leaders on all levels until you get up to the superiors then you all have a relation at some point within the chain but then you create a spider web by sending the leadership all over the place to talk or help in some way. Then you have the fact that young missionaries are being sent all around the world and then you have the example of where your normal life will take you and the congregations that you might frequent only once but this is yet another link to complete the web. The coolest part is that if we actually were to become one and to have only righteousness here on the earth-which will not happen within the fallen state-we would accomplish so much more and have a quality of life stupendous but we have a war of good and eavil and well as the famous conquerers of the world knew. Divide and conquer or you even have the Roman Empire that united under Catholicism because the leaders knew that religion held a stronger and more meaningful bond for people rather than just a political commitment.

Let us all bring the true Gospel of Christ into those around us! That we all may be united as one as Brothers and Sisters in these Latter Days that our trials may be as the dust that the Apostles shook from their feet when a city did not accept the message of Christ!

Love you all and pray for you daily,

Elder Kyle Hendrixson

P.S Until next week!

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