Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, September 17, 2012 - Analogy of the Plan of Salvation

Imagine as if we were born into a school. A school where we have to pass tests and difficulties and learn a certain core curriculum but that we all had our memories wiped like they do in Men in Black. Yup that is basically life for all of us here on earth. We all made a choice to come here because we believed in the PLAN that our Father made so that we could all graduate and return back to our home and live with him again as a family. We forgot everything because if we knew everything it would be easy to pass the test and that wouldnt make a test very good, now would it?
Well in this school you dont have as many choices as you want to make, who you want to be and who you want to affiliate with. You get to choose how you make a living, living amongst your family here in the world or ignoring the fact that they are your family and seek to gain from what they lose. I mean there is a famous saying that I have heard a lot in my life, "All is fair in love and war." The only thing we have to know for certain is that there was one Son of our Father who came here to school and passed with flying colors and 100% in order to create a way for us to find that path which we had forgotten. Luckily he lefted us many instructions on how to follow and know what were the markers and coordinates that we could use to return to our Heavenly Home. One problem is that some of our brothers tampered with our instructions o that they are semi-incomplete. Well that is not fair! Luckily like I said, "He was a 100% perfect," and knew that some conspiring men would come along and try to live on the high horse so that they could benifit for very little-not working for their bread by the sweat of thy brow!
 As we all walk along our various and wandering pathways in life often times we come accross a marker that is not of our path or of what we are accustomed to and should pause to stop and think about what these markers could be. Could it be that this marker will lead me back to what will sustain me for more than this mortal time period to where my body with rot and quite only to leave me where I have no knowlegde of what is happening? Well this would be where our tests and trials come in and how much attention we gave to what was happening around us. There is one major test to enter into the right path where you can gain all the knowledge you want and even have a personal tutor. This would be entering in by the sheep gate (John 10:1-10). If we enter by this gate we then have a promis to be given a tutor that is all knowing and very wise who as long as we do what was asked by the books of direction we have he will stay but if we dont do our homework nor follow the rules we have no promises. Yes, we have various texts that will tell us about all the rules and guidlines by which all of our final projects should follow. Generally we have 5 main sources of these rules and guidlines who were published by many and various Presidents of the Entire School. Yet there is one major problem. How can you complete an assignment without the books necessary to procure the necessities? There are two standard works that are very common and is published widely and many peopl read it but the sad part is that they only usually read the parts that are trivial and poetic. And dont really read and understand the entire book in the correct concept because the class assasinated the President of the School and his councilors so that they could have a mutiny and alter the two main texts in order to make money and have worldly gain from the failure of their fellow peers.
How do we expect to pass the test? It would be nearly impossible without other texts that would complete the rest of the information necessary to pass the test. ONLY the first test. We can do what we want during our mortal life but if we never complete the first test our our time bell rings, you go to detention. Why procrastinate finding the test and preparing for it? Many people will end up going to detention for the pure fact of laziness to conform to the very basic and simple core curriculum. Life has so much more to give to us than just the basic but it is our choice if we want the good, better or best! If you dont pass the test you go to detention and will complain about how unfair life is and you will swear and gnash your teeth and wish that you had passed the test the first time. Luckily, many friends who passed the test and went to recess will return and help their friends who didnt pass to pass the test so that they can come and have recess with them to.
Family & Friends a second test is not necessary. It is very possible for all of you to excel beyond just the core curriculum and help those around you and to help yourselves become masters of this life we have hear on this earth so that we are ever more prepared to help those around us from the wisdom which we have gained.
Stay firm in the Gospel and seek to broaden and increase your testimony individually every day so that we can become professionals and the bests students of the class and not the kid at the back of the classroom!
Elder Hendrixson!

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