Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday mornings are becoming my favorite day of the week. Who would have thought!?! The following is Elder Hendrixson's email in its entirety ...

Alright so this week was cool cause it was ward conference and our goal was to have 20 investigators attend and we had 19!! this was super impressive and I can really start to see our numbers and the types of people we are finding improve for the better and I know it is because of Hard work!

I broke my bed this week! I was getting our of bed five minutes late, sat up, and the bed broke! Moral of the story Brazilians are lighter than Americans! jk you really should just get up ontime!

This week I finally figured out a way to describe getting used to a mission. Growing pains - only because you do so much growing and changing if you are doing what you are suppossed to and ya I am shrinking physically but spititually you grow and and grow and keep growing at an astounding rate and it is not exactly what I would call comfortable. Literally all day long I feast on the words of Christ! Needless to say with all this stress you really want to sleep to recover nd even then you don´t get to turn you brain off, so you think about how to help your investigators, how to find new ones and how to get the members to see what you are seeing and all sorts of wonderful things.

My cool thought for the week was on the idea of how as missionaries we are only the messenger. Interesting after thinking about the significance of the word messenger I came upon the thought of - only armies use messengers. Thats right whether people want to know about it or not there is a war going on between good and evil right now. Only to be building up to the day of the second coming. Well we as the messengers are trying to share who is going to win and how they can be on the winning side because as we know the scales have already been set. Good will triumph over evil and we are trying to help everyone see that through little sacrifices they can ensure their place in the Kingdom of God. Not to mention that especially as missionaries we have legions of angels protecting us. It is interesting how as missionaries our main focus is to get people to use their spiritual eyes to see what is going on and how the ultimate sacrifice has already been made and all we have to do is follow some simple rules and we will know for a surety that we are saved.

Along with that thought a lot of the time as missionaries we help the less active or the inactive. As I was reading in the book of Alma 1-4 it talks about the Anlicites. Well our job as missionaries is to keep this same event from reocurring. To help people stay firm and not be swayed by the priestcraft and craftiness of the world. It is rather interesting reading the scriptures in portuguese and really having to focus and ponder and pay attention!

Love Elder Hendrixson

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