Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, March 19, 2012 { Holy Batman! }

Wow - two emails in one morning!!  I don't think Monday mornings can get much better than this!

"My analogy for this week.  This week I felt like Batman, which was actually a pretty sick feeling!  I was sitting up on top of our house writing in my journal and just enjoying the weather which is perfect right now and it came to my mind that missionaries are like Batman.  I am in a huge city that is corrupt and there are literally thousands of people suffering and there is a ton of drugs.  Then you have us missionaries out here being vigilantes for good.  We wear a uniform of a white shirt, a snazzy tie, some slacks and some high tech shoes that take us anywhere we are willing to walk, then we have some seriously cool equipment:  scriptures, pamphlets from the church, a name tag [so we don't forget our names ;) ], and the endowment.  We go out only after 11 o'clock and return when our business is done.  We strike fear in the hearts of the bad and those people that are up to no good and we save those people who are willing to listen and give them to drink of the water that they might never thirst again.  It is totally legit.  We ourselves are not rich but we all know that the church has enough ;)  Oh and I almost forgot, we also all have time pieces to make sure we are prompt!  Way better than James Bond who could cut through a 1 inch plate of steel with some lazer, be late, make a huge mess, assassinate one person only to have another come to power, and only end up with one girl who lasted for what 12 hrs and then she dies.  I mean come on being a missionary is so much better!"

Hmmm....wonder if his next set of pictures will show him wearing a cape?!  Probably not.  It sounds like a cape would only be for show, which is not what the missionaries are about, nor would it add to the already amazing arsenal they have to enter into battle each day!

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