Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, April 23, 2012

It has been a while since I have shared any letters from Elder Hendrixson - been extremely busy.  Here is some of his letter that we received today via email.

"I got a new companion ... and really I am so grateful because he actually has what it takes to turn this area into being more successful."

"Back to investigators, so we have another family kinda sort of. It is Antonia her son Henrique 27 Paulo 25 and her daughter sofia 12 that we are teaching. Henrique and Paulo have accepted baptismal dates and I know Antonia will because she knows that we are true mesengers of God. She told us last time after the Restoration video that she never lets strangers into her house and that she was really mad at Henrique for not telling her that we were coming but she said that her first impression of us were that we were so well manered and so angelic that she just wants us to come by whenever we can and that if she could have this in her life then she would want it for her entire family and well all we have to do is extend the envitation to her and I just know she will be baptized. Her and her family make me feel like I am back at home-well minus the language. :) It really is amazing how people just open up to us and tell us that we just seem to be some of the best people they have ever known which just affirms that we are truly messengers of god and that we really do have a privelage to serve and a big responsibility but it is toatally worth it for those few elect that we have a chance to encounter out of the many. It really does make you sad when someone rejects the gospel. Also just mentioning that those people of the tellestial Kingdom will be as numerous as the sands really is sad because the celestial kingdom is within the reach of those who are just willing to do those simple basic things such as being baptized and perservering to the end."

"Also I am basically running my area right now and I totally made a rookie mistake and said to a member that we would pass by and I didn´t realize that she lives about 1.5 hours of straight walking away from our house! About 7km away! Well it just so happened that when we arrived there that her grandson Matteus was sick with dissentary and a virus at the same time and the medicine wasn´t working and that he had a chance of having permanent damage if his fever didnt break soon. After talking with the family for a while they asked if we could give him a blessing but they asked me to give the blessing! I can barely even stumble through one in english not to mention portuguese!!! Well I did a little bit of preparing(30 seconds) and my companion sealed it and then I gave a blessing of healing. I don´t remember what I said and honestly it was really a powerfull experience for me because I dont speak portuguese well enough to really say what came to mind but they understood everyword and I didn´t but that is jsut a great example of the tongue of angels. We talked for another ten minutes and then they took his temperature again and it was back to normal ALREADY! Miracles really do happen during a mission especially when you are doing the Lord´s work. Even the Lord has plans and guides the feet of the servents that he calls. Even to new ones who seemingly made a mistake!"

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