Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, March 19, 2012

Always a great way to start off a Monday morning - with emails from Elder Hendrixson!  And pictures too!  Here is what he had to say:

"Alright so here are some pictures from my mission of Elders from the CTM and all the good stuff like the view from my new house.  I forgot to take a picture with my companion so I will have to do that later.  There is a lot of work going on out here but the Brasilian people are wonderful, but horrible at keeping appointments, which is frustrating.  I love when we finally get out of the house after studying to go and teach and do all that good stuff.  The days feel longer when you are walking but they are so much better and my companion thinks I am quiet but that is just because I have a ton of things to be thinking about and an entire new language to learn and not to mention you are pretty much tired every day.  The weeks feel like years during the week, but after the week is over you are really surprised at how fast it actually went.  It has only been two weeks in the field but it feels like a lifetime."

"Being a missionary really does separate you from the world and it is a feeling I will have to get used to.  My area is still difficult but the ward members seem like they are waking up and have been more talkative and helpful this week.  I hope that it is a constant progression because this ward is not very cooperative with the last couple of groups of missionaries, but luckily few of our lunches have been falling through.  And more effort from the Bishop and his counselors has been showing and I hope that my companion will get out of his funk of being an in the rut missionary."

"To be honest staying out here in the mission field is really hard and every morning I want to come home, but when we get out of the house and after that first lesson or contact I have no doubt in my mind that I am here doing the right thing.  I hope this will wear off cause my mind is already busy enough with our investigators and learning a new language and trying to memorize on of the biggest mission areas in the entire Sao Paulo North mission.  By the way, here in my area we do a lot of walking."

"Love You All and Thanks for the Support!!!!"

Now, who would have thought that one day someone would have claimed Elder Hendrixson to be "quiet"!!  That put a huge smile on my face!!

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