Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, January 14, 2013 Sup!

Alright so there are a few things that I am really greatful for and that is that one there is modern medicine named Prilosec that works miracles for people that have heart burn! :) 

The Second thing would be that when you try to go suit shopping here in Brazil you had better be about the size of a toothpick because they don't make pants in my size and I barely could find a suit coat that fits. Luckily they do exist you just have to find a store that has them. By the way I grew again. I think I got a little taller and of course as usual a little wider in the shoulders for all of you who like to think I only grow in the table muscle.

Other than that I think my companion and I got soaked about 3 times this week by the wonderful São Paulo summer weather where it rains almost everyday but infrequently that young men don't want to carry an umbrella all week and man I think taking rain baths are great because it is about the closest thing you get to jumping in to the pool. Man I miss swimming!!!

 Anyways we actually taught some really nice people this week, about 13 of them but they don't live in our area so unfortunately they won't be investigators for us but at least they are getting to know the gospel and how wonderful it can make their lives become because not only is it guidelines but it is a way of live that really will be to us the best things that we can imagine and our hopes and dreams will come true in better and improved ways than we can imagine as we are obedient to our Heavenly Father who loves each  one of us.

I know that this is the way and these are the blessings of god that we bring to people in their lives and I know that we can all recieve the gifts of God if we are obedient even if we dont know why it is important to be obedient!

I love yo u all and pray for you always and wish you the best! 

Elder Hendrixson

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