Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, December 31, 2012 New Years!

Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you all are all doing well and that the Christmas holiday treeated you all well and it sure was great to get see all of you-my family- on skype. I mean it was just great to also get to talk to you in real time because it gets kinda tiring to be behind for two weeks everytime I get stuff. Thanks for all of you who wrote and let me knew that you were thinking of me even though you all have a lot on your plates already with the festivities and playing santa and chef! I had a very special Christmas. It was nothing special but all the spirit that was here and just how everyone treats you and all that stuff and it just had a special feeling about and not to mention that we ate a heck of a lot of good food. I mean our fridge was stuffed full. Luckily now it is starting to dwindle and the only think I have bought for two weeks was milk. Apparently brazilians dont really drink milk but my entire family knows that if I could I would drink milk for every meal of the day! :)

Other than that it has just been rainging a lot and we have been caught out in the rain alot without our umbrellas but thats okay because it is good for the soul and the stink. ;)

Keep strong in the faith and know that your heavenly father loves you all! :) 

Until next week! 
Elder Hendrixson :)

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