Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, December 10, 2012 How much can a missionary walk . . .

How much can a missionary walk if he can't walk?

Só pra vocês saberem que tivermos um batismo esta fim de semana e que os detalhes do batismo quem foi são tudo lá nas perguntas em baixo! :)

 This subject phrase is based on the classic phrase of how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck couldnt chuck wood?

As to let you know I am pretty sure that missionaries dont walk. We glide! I mean it is crazy how much we walk and keep a smiling and having a good time and talk to some of the most rancorous people you could ever imagine but that is okay because they just dont know what they are missing out on! 

Just to let you all know, I am super happy they got new keyboards here at the Lanhouse because now I can type without feeling like I am trying to play wack a mole! 

Also we probably walked 20km everyday and our appointments were falling through like if you tried to but refried beans on the barbeque! Its not FUNNY!!! 

The even funnier part is that my Brazilian companion complains more about the heat than I do. Mostly because St. George or Fresno are way hotter than This place is by about 10 degrees Celcious! Yup that is enough to fry an egg! We had some great adventures this week.

Our lunch appointment that is clear out there fell through and man was I hungry! So we went to the lady who arranges our lunches hoping that she would have some bread and butter just to put a little fuel in the tank! Which she did and we were able to grab her husband and bring him to a lesson that we had which turned out to be great. Then we had to walk clear to the other side of the area which is like 5 miles so we just headed out! The funny part is that we got there, went to an apointment, and still beat him to the chapel in under an hour! I mean like I said we dont walk. I mean the joggers barely pass us and we are hardley breaking a sweat! Missionaries obey the word of wisdom which is: eat like a dog because you really have no idea when your next meal is going to be! ;)

Love you guys and wish you the best and I pray for you all every night that the Lord can be your Guide!

Elder Hendrixson!

Here are some answers to some questions that it is quite possible that a few of you might have so just for gentileza(politeness) here are the answers

How are things in your mission?

The things in our mission are on the brightside. Our Presidente has promised us some major success if we will be obedient, diligient, exact, honor, and honest. Not to mention that if we will invoke blessings in the name of the Lord and walk forth with faith we will see the barriers falling and the walls of Jericho crumbling!

Any mission meetings?

Actually we just had our special Christmas zone conference which was cool and man were there some terrible musical numbers. I mean just think about a mariachi mexican band but put it in portuguese with suits and ties and santa hats. One vocalist, a recorder, a violin, and an acoustic guitar. Ya not exactly what I would think about as a success and our President stood up after they finished singing Joy to the World and commented that after that who wouldnt want to be a muslhim! I lost it! That was the best joke I have heard in a long time!

Who is your current companion?

My current companion is Elder Mota and he is totally awesome. He is from Fortaleza and he is from Ceará.

Did your baptism happen?

Yes the baptism happended and it was great! The family was all there and the entire ward as well with a special presentation by the ward!

Who was it?

His name is Derek, he has 9 years of age and is the son of parents that are less actives that we are in the process of reactivating. Derek really comes to church with his grandparents and he loves it! He comes on his own because of his old testimony. He is a guiding light for all the people in his family and his grandpa is who baptised him and it was a very great and special experience! :)

How did you contact this person?

We contacted him because his grandfather and father asked that we teach him so that he could be baptised. Generally he would have been a baptism for the ward but unfortunately they didnt trust in themselves enough so they called in the professionals. Therefore he was a convert baptism.

How long have you been teaching him/her?  

I taught him for a week but I have been planning this baptism since I got here! The parents kept having marital problems. Fault of planning and the family not coordinating and it ended up being one of those scenarios that we ended up fortifying everyone else and the one who was strong had to suffer and wait!

How is the new ward?

The new ward is good they want a lot of things to happen and they make some very upscale scemes. They also want to have a lot of things happen! This is all nice and we will take all the enthusiasm as is possible.

What's the name of the ward? 

The ward I am in is called Vila Angelica which is in the Trujilo Stake

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