Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Monday, October 15, 2012 - The Lord's will shall be done!

This week was a tough week and we had few people at home and even fewer who wanted to listen to us but that didn’t get us down. We worked right up to the hour that our days ended, we got up, we studied hard and we ate good food. This week was a holiday for the kids in Brazil and some other Catholic holiday honoring a Saint but I already forgot which one. We visited some people who really do have quite a bit of hope with some of our visits and this week I just know will be a good week.

What I would like to share is that The Lord Blesses His servants and even gives us inspiration when we don’t know even where to start or any scripture to help but:

Ether 12:4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which chope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in fgood works, being led to gglorify God.

This scripture was givin to me with flashing lights during a visit to a family who is having a difficult time and started to let their commitment to the Lord become last priority. I truly have gained a testimony of the veracity that when we put God as First Priority and leave the rest to work itself out that it truly will. I also know that God will never give us a bigger trial or test of Faith than we can overcome but it for dang sure can come very close to where we just can’t take it anymore.

My week was a little bit like that. I just couldnt take it any more, but we continued to talk to people. WE continued to go and implore the people to assume the responsibilities that we ask of them that they can recieve the greater blessings. We worked in the rain, the heat, and the wind! WE even forgave those people who were mean to us and told us that we don't mean anything and that we are wasting our time, that we don't know anything and won't make a difference. WE were called good looking and treated like candied objects for the eye but yet we still tried to help these people have more than just a vision of the carnal and insatiable desires of the flesh that they might have an anchor in the everlasting gospel of Christ that will never become insipid no matter how much we partake of it.

Stay firm to the Lord and he will bless you and he has promised that miracles will happen in your lives because he will make them happen. May you all pray always asking for faith and guidance and blessings for those things of our dreams and nessecities. That we might seek to be in harmony with the Word of God by partaking of the feast of words we have through all the Prophets that have existed here on the earth!

Elder Kyle John Hendrixson!!! :)

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