Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today was a great day with the arrival of an email from Elder Hendrixson.  Here are some of the things he had to say in his letter . . .

"I sure wish I could be at Farm Show.  I miss America with the food and the people and all the stuff that makes home home.  Brazil is cool and all but America is better.  I miss pecans!"

"The language is coming along just fine and will continue to progress.  We learn new things everyday and I make about 20 - 40 flashcards a day to work on memorizing. . . .  Along with that right now I am working on reading all of the major teachings, parables, and miracles of Christ in the New Testament as I am seeking to obtain His word.

"Don't worry about me working too hard because I have fun everyday just like I should :)  Having Brazilian roommates to talk to and communicate with is a huge blessing."

It is so wonderful to hear how his is adjusting to life in Brazil and how is progressing in the Lord's work.  I can't wait until he comes home and says how much he misses the things he had in Brazil.  Knowing Elder Hendrixson's love of food I think he will find Brazilian food very exciting once he leaves the MTC and enters the mission field.  And maybe when he gets home he will have time to finally make it to Farm Show!  That will be an awesome three days!!

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