Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

February 15, 2012

Always exciting to hear from Elder Hendrixson!  Here are some experiences he shared in his latest letter:

"For me every days is long and difficult, but it is definitely worth it when you get to receive revelation and serve Christ through the process of learning to obtain 'His word, that our tongues might be loosed,' which is comforting because it is difficult to speak to people in a different language that I barely even know."

"It has been truly amazing to see how the spirit truly does quicken a persons ability to learn and comprehend complexities on a more intimate level.  It has really been interesting to meet all of the people here and to get to see what their impressions of me when we first met and to see what they find interesting and also what I find interesting about them."

"Interestingly there are all sorts of people here, which to me solidifies the reality of the true gospel."

"Another thing I have found interesting is the number of people who I have met that either live in Provo or they attend BYU.  It was cool to meet them because some of them are the kinds of people I could see myself being friends for life with which is a promise I have received."

"The rain storms here are pretty awesome and the thunder and lightning are totally awesome cause the thunder is super loud!  Oh and here they have fireworks that make the best 'BANGS!'  They are so loud they wake me up in the middle of the night."

Hope he is taking lots of pictures! 

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