Sao Paulo North Mission

Sao Paulo North Mission
Sao Paulo, Brazil

February 21, 2012

Elder Hendrixson only has a few more weeks left in the MTC before venturing out into the field.  He has provided an updated address for letters...

Elder Kyle Hendrixson
Rua Dr. Rui Batista Pereira, 165
Jardim Caxingui
Sao Paulo - SP 05517-080

This address is posted to the right as well, along with an address for care packages :]

February 15, 2012

Always exciting to hear from Elder Hendrixson!  Here are some experiences he shared in his latest letter:

"For me every days is long and difficult, but it is definitely worth it when you get to receive revelation and serve Christ through the process of learning to obtain 'His word, that our tongues might be loosed,' which is comforting because it is difficult to speak to people in a different language that I barely even know."

"It has been truly amazing to see how the spirit truly does quicken a persons ability to learn and comprehend complexities on a more intimate level.  It has really been interesting to meet all of the people here and to get to see what their impressions of me when we first met and to see what they find interesting and also what I find interesting about them."

"Interestingly there are all sorts of people here, which to me solidifies the reality of the true gospel."

"Another thing I have found interesting is the number of people who I have met that either live in Provo or they attend BYU.  It was cool to meet them because some of them are the kinds of people I could see myself being friends for life with which is a promise I have received."

"The rain storms here are pretty awesome and the thunder and lightning are totally awesome cause the thunder is super loud!  Oh and here they have fireworks that make the best 'BANGS!'  They are so loud they wake me up in the middle of the night."

Hope he is taking lots of pictures! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

How cool to receive a letter in the mail with all the stampings from Brazil.  Most exciting though was to hear from Elder Hendrixson again so soon!  Here are some of his updates and quotes from his experiences thus far . . .

"The days are long but the weeks are short.  Learning Portuguese is a difficult task, but it is coming along very quickly.  Portuguese is a beautiful language but it is difficult to learn how to use all the different tenses.  There is no such thing as does, do did, which is very weird."

"It is quite enjoyable being here and being allowed to more fully focus and specifically study the Gospel of Christ.  It is insane how much information alone is within our library.  Hopefully after two full years of vigorous study I will be much more knowledgeable and wiser.  Kinda like how the birthday song says 'one year older and wiser too".

"The food is really yummy.  We are really enjoying the two Brazilian roommates we had until yesterday.  They just left for Fortaliza and now our comical relief is gone but the nights are always entertaining.  . . .  There are so many people here with so many different talents it is fun to get to know them.  One of my favorite parts is eating a mango off the tree while studying in the garden.  The MTC here is beautiful and I have the blessing of climbing seven flights of stairs everyday."

"It is so nice not going to school and to be on a new adventure in life."

What a blessing to have all of the communication tools so that we can share in his mission with him.  I hope each and everyone of you reading this will remember to keep Elder Hendrixson in your prayers as he continues to spread the love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  Until next time...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today was a great day with the arrival of an email from Elder Hendrixson.  Here are some of the things he had to say in his letter . . .

"I sure wish I could be at Farm Show.  I miss America with the food and the people and all the stuff that makes home home.  Brazil is cool and all but America is better.  I miss pecans!"

"The language is coming along just fine and will continue to progress.  We learn new things everyday and I make about 20 - 40 flashcards a day to work on memorizing. . . .  Along with that right now I am working on reading all of the major teachings, parables, and miracles of Christ in the New Testament as I am seeking to obtain His word.

"Don't worry about me working too hard because I have fun everyday just like I should :)  Having Brazilian roommates to talk to and communicate with is a huge blessing."

It is so wonderful to hear how his is adjusting to life in Brazil and how is progressing in the Lord's work.  I can't wait until he comes home and says how much he misses the things he had in Brazil.  Knowing Elder Hendrixson's love of food I think he will find Brazilian food very exciting once he leaves the MTC and enters the mission field.  And maybe when he gets home he will have time to finally make it to Farm Show!  That will be an awesome three days!!